Grand Rapids Vital Streets

The Vital Streets Plan was commissioned by the Vital Streets Oversight Commission to guide street design and investment in Grand Rapids. The Plan is intended to improve consistency and predictability in street design and deliver the outcomes envisioned by voters approving the Vital Streets tax measure.
Vital Streets Plan (as adopted by City Commission, December, 2016)
Vital Streets Plan (accessible PDF, 11x17)
Vital Streets Principles and Measures of Success
Vital Streets reflect the values of Grand Rapids.
Vital Streets:
Are safe and accessible for all.
Are soundly designed and well maintained.
Are developed in partnership with stakeholders.
Increase mobility and expand travel options.
Efficiently move goods and people.
Strengthen community and local character.
Enhance the environment.
Anticipate innovation and support continuous learning.
Vital Streets reflect the values of Grand Rapids.
Vital Streets:
Are safe and accessible for all.
Are soundly designed and well maintained.
Are developed in partnership with stakeholders.
Increase mobility and expand travel options.
Efficiently move goods and people.
Strengthen community and local character.
Enhance the environment.
Anticipate innovation and support continuous learning.
The success of Vital Streets investments will be measured on:
Elimination of traffic-related injuries and fatalities.
Condition of street infrastructure.
Network connectivity and accessibility for all modes.
Operational efficiency measured by person throughput and person delay.
Reduction in stormwater runoff.
Public satisfaction.
Form + Function (Street Types and Modal Emphasis)
Grand Rapids utilizes a unique street typology that combines both form and function to design streets that serve the city.